As most of you undoubtedly already know, according to the Roman calendar, the Ides take place every month on either the 15th (March, May, July and October) or the 13th (all others). The Ides of March are the most famous Ides because Julius Caesar was assassinated on the 15th of March, 44 BC.
National Public Radio seems to take the Ides of March pretty seriously, because they have quite a few streaming audio clips in their archives commemorating Caesar's demise.
- Ides of March After-Party: Roman Drinking Songs?
- Commemorate Caesar: Take a Deep Breath
- The Roots of Caesar Salad
- Brush Up Your Shakespeare
- Ides of March: A Condensed Version of Julius Caesar featuring Orson Welles, ca. 1938
Photo courtesy of the Vroma Image Archive