If you haven't registered for the 2009 National Mythology Exam, the deadline is fast approaching. The National Mythology Exam is sponsored by ETClassics, Excellence Through Classics, a standing committee of the American Classical League. Forms are due on January 15, 2009 and a study bibliography will be sent upon registration receipt.
The National Mythology Exam is a multiple choice exam designed for grades 3-9. It is also open to students in grades 10-12. Many English, art, social studies and history teachers include this exam as part of their yearly curriculum. The NME consists of a 30-item basic exam plus additional sub-tests, based upon the student's grade level. Visit the ETClassics website for complete information, including sample test questions, packet previews, internet resources, and much more!
ETClassics also sponsors the Exploratory Latin Exam, which closes its registration on March 1, 2009.