Friday, June 13, 2008

Free Latin Stories!

There are a number of free downloadable booklets and ancillaries available for users of Hans Oerberg's Latina Lingua Per Se Illustrata at the website of his American distributor, Focus Publishing. Fabellae Latinae is a supplementary collection of easy stories which correspond to chapters 1-25 in Familia Romana and has recently been updated with the addition of 3 extra fabellae in a separate document.

But wait! There's more! You can also download a set of exercises to accompany Fabellae Latinae plus vocabulary lists for many of the other books in the Oerberg series!

There's also a link to 2 sites which include interactive quizzes covering the vocabulary of the 30 chapters in Familia Romana!

AND there's a Scope and Sequence for Lingua Latina designed for middle school students!

Euge! ("Awesome!")